Preparing for a Supply Chain Disruption
Every organization is dependent on business partners for some products and services such as gas, electricity, water, food, etc., or needed materials.
Every organization is dependent on business partners for some products and services such as gas, electricity, water, food, etc., or needed materials.
Use this form to organize all significant records rated Critical or Vital at minimum. Subsets of this information can be included with other records.
Workplace violence can be directed at one or more individuals or the institution. In all cases, the institution should make it clear that all threats are taken seriously and reported to the police.
A business impact analysis (BIA) identifies potential impact of a disruption to your organization’s essential processes. The results of this analysis provide you with the information needed to prioritize business continuity planning, resource, and recovery efforts.
When a crisis occurs, being prepared while maintaining open and honest communication is critical. This document provides specific guidelines for those needing to act as a spokesperson.
Document the critical processes to be recovered.
Organizations operate within a network and if any part of that network stops functioning the whole thing has problems. Therefore, it is important to work together to ensure that all of your partners are able to function well after a disaster.
Use your Ready Rating Assessment Report to help you identify activities that will (1) ensure you have plans in place to respond and recover from disruptions and (2) build awareness and experience within your organization. Summarize any issues or areas of improvement along with suggested solutions, possible workarounds, and budget impacts. Be sure that each member of the senior management team is clear about obstacles that may be encountered and document any decisions that need to be made. Include recommendations/actions based on the Ready Rating Assessment and Next Steps Report.
Use the following checklist to review the core elements of your Emergency Action Plan. Indicate with a checkmark that you have addressed each issue.
Use this sample text to announce your organizations participation in the Ready Rating Program.