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Canadian Red Cross Charity Registration Number: 119219814RR0001

Establishing a Red Cross Shelter

Each year, the American and Canadian Red Cross Societies train emergency response volunteers on how to provide shelter and care for those displaced during disaster and other emergencies. One way your organization or business can contribute is by offering your facility as a Red Cross shelter.

Several requirements must be met, including ensuring your site has adequate pre-positioned supplies. Your local Red Cross branch can help you determine if your facility meets the qualifications. Once you have established that your facility meets the various requirements, you must staff the shelter with trained volunteers who can advise and assist those accessing the shelter.

The Canadian Red Cross and American Red Cross offer several courses in this area including the following:

Disaster Training: An Overview

A basic-level course that introduces Disaster Services at the Red Cross. The course is divided into two modules. The first module introduces disaster preparedness and response at the Red Cross. The second module introduces the guidelines and procedures for setting up, running, and closing a shelter during a disaster. The course engages participants through integrated video and interactive activities. For more information, please visit Disaster Preparedness | Disaster Relief Training | Red Cross.

Foundations of Mental Health

Prepares licensed mental health professionals to respond to the psychological needs of people across the continuum of emergency preparedness, response, and recovery. It includes specific activities and interventions that can be used for local and national emergency response operations. This might be helpful during the process of setting up a shelter. The training can be accessed here Psychological First Aid – Canadian Red Cross

Learn more about these and other American Red Cross training programs and Canadian Red Cross training programs.

Additional Resources