The designated Media Liaison is responsible for being the primary point of contact for all Media and citizen enquiries. In the event of a crisis the following individuals will act as media representatives:

  1. Primary Contact: <NAME, TITLE, TELEPHONE, EMAIL>
  2. Secondary Contact: <NAME, TITLE, TELEPHONE, EMAIL>

In addition to being the primary point of contact, the Media Liaison will:

  • Advise management on the seriousness of the situation and what actions to take to minimize any negative coverage of the organization.
  • If the incident is deemed ‘newsworthy’ then the Media Liaison will outline a Media Action Plan.
  • If the decision is made to issue a press release, the Media Liaison will draft the message and have it reviewed/approved by <NAME, TITLE>. If this person is unavailable, then the information should be sent to: <NAME, TITLE>.
  • The Media Liaison will also be responsible for periodically updating management and other officials on the progress of the event.
  • The Media Liaison will be responsible for periodically issuing internal briefing statements to staff members and other stakeholders.
  • The Media Liaison is responsible for keeping a record of:
    • Citizen and media inquiries,
    • Inquire Responses.
  • The Media Liaison is responsible for post-event follow-up with any citizens or members of the Media who were in contact with the facility during the crisis. Ideally, this follow-up will take place within seventy-two hours after the declared end of the emergency. Within twenty four hours the Media Liaison should:
    • Present management with a plan outlining the prioritized order in which citizens and media representatives will be contacted.
    • A message updating facility staff on the outcome and disposition of the events surrounding the emergency.
    • A summary of the ongoing position statement (i.e., talking points) for all members of management explaining how they are to address the issue of the emergency should it be raised in the future.
    • An exception report discussing any deviation from the above procedure and a revised timeline.
    • Any special considerations that might be put into place regarding communication with anyone outside the facilities.