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Filtered by tag/category: Emergency Planning

Help Keep your Employees and their Families Safe!

The new, all-inclusive Emergency App from the American Red Cross provides people with instant access to emergency alerts, life-saving information, and ways to contact family and friends in one free, easy-to-use app for smart phones and tablets.

2023-03-16T17:24:33+00:00Categories: Emergency Planning|

Basic Business Continuity Planning on a Budget

Cost management is always a top concern for any organization. This is true even for important functions like emergency preparedness. While essential, comprehensive business continuity planning can seem like a complicated and resource-intensive process as it includes conducting a business impact analysis, developing a plan, testing the plan, training staff, etc. However, that does not have to be your reality.

2024-05-17T16:23:36+00:00Categories: Emergency Planning|

Crisis Communications – Engaging Stakeholders During an Incident

Trust is the foundation of relationships. When your organization faces an emergency, communications to your employees, customers, and other stakeholders, or lack thereof, can support or erode that foundation. Protect your organization’s reputation and relationships by being prepared to communicate in a crisis.

2024-05-17T16:25:16+00:00Categories: Emergency Planning|

Managing Finances in a Crisis

Crises come in many forms and require your organization to take a range of preparatory steps. But most crises impact your organization’s finances, and, for this reason, financial preparedness is a critical part of emergency preparedness. Measures you take in advance and during an incident will help your organization weather the crisis and thrive afterward.

2024-05-28T17:43:03+00:00Categories: Emergency Planning|

Back Up Strategies for Key Personnel

Succession planning is critical in disaster situations. Identify, in advance, who will be responsible for important decisions and assign at least one back up. For example, who can approve and/or access funds for emergency services or supplies if the individual who normally makes those decisions is unavailable.

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