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Ready Rating Resources

Filtered by tag/category: Emergency Planning

Building Security Checklist – SAMPLE

Part of providing a safe environment is dealing with security concerns. This checklist covers some of the procedures that can be incorporated into a safety and security plan. While these procedures are intended for use in a multi-tenant building, many of the principles can be applied to any type of facility.

2024-05-17T16:20:48+00:00Categories: Emergency Planning|

Policies for Reporting Emergency Situations – SAMPLE

To eliminate confusion and the possibility of false alarms, some organizations only allow an ICT member, or a designated substitute, to contact the appropriate community emergency response personnel. Each organization should decide if this is the appropriate procedure for them. Many organizations prefer to have the person who discovers an emergency contact 911 directly to save time. They rely on constant training to reduce the chance of false alarms.

2024-05-01T14:50:22+00:00Categories: Emergency Planning|
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